Welded mesh
We manufacture and store welded mesh both in roll and sheet form. Welded mesh is used, for example, as metal lath when plastering, safety nets, partitions, and various facades. Welded mesh is manufactured from galvanized and uncoated steel wire and stainless steel. The wire thicknesses used are between 1.6 and 6.0mm. The spacing between the horizontal threads is 25mm, 30mm and 40mm, and the spacing between the wires is at least 12.5mm.
Welded mesh
Welded mesh are widely used in industry and construction. The welded mesh can be easily molded and cut with either an angle gringer or side cutter. Please feel free to contact us to find out if we can meet your welded mesh needs.
We import and sell steel wires in black, galvanized or PVC coated and aluminum and stainless steel wires. Ask wire also adjusted to the size.
In addition, our wire range includes HT barbed wire 2x2,00mm in 200m reels. We also have different types of wire tighteners and various tools for fencing installation.
Wires for sale
We sell wires in stock as shown in the table next to this.
Welded mesh panels for safety purposes
Welded mesh panels are an easy way to protect a particular space or machinery environment for safety purposes indoors or outdoors. The welded mesh elements are made of hot dip galvanized 3mm wire and the mesh size is 20x100mm. The machine protection mesh panels we have made, are designed to be sturdy. Therefore, there is a 3D profile to reinforce at the top and bottom of the mesh panel, as well as in the middle. Ask about our easy-to-install machine protection welded mesh panels.
Hitsattua verkkoa vaikka suoja- tai minkkiverkoksi
Hitsattua verkkoa on saatavilla myös rullatavarana eri kokoisina. Tässä esimerkki hitsatusta rullaverkosta, jonka silmäkoko on 25x25 mm. Verkko on tehty 2 mm sinkitystä langasta. Verkkoa voi käyttää esimerkiksi suojaverkkona tai minkkiverkkona.
Verkon korkeus / metriä per rulla
1,0 m x 20 m
0,6 m x 25 m
0,5 m x 25 m
0,4 m x 25 m